Saturday, April 24, 2010

More of Vienna's Flak Towers

As you may recall, I posted an earlier entry (March 8) on Vienna's flak towers in Augarten Park. Here is the pair standing in Arenburg Park, constructed by Hitler to defend the city. Considering that Vienna was heavily bombed, it seems the six flak towers strategically located around the city were somewhat less than effective. The tower in the first and second photos houses a contemporary art museum which is open only for a few hours on Sundays but is well worth a visit not only for the art but to see the massive walls of the towers and the views from the observation platform. Snuggled up to the base of this colossal tower is a playground and a basketball court. A parking garage lies beneath them.

It's an interesting place, particularly on a warm spring day, to contemplate the sense of peacefulness of the park in the shadow of this enormous symbol of war.

The second tower is not open to the public and its current use is a mystery to me. Perhaps someone is growing mushrooms inside or storing wine....

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